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We are a community of students striving to follow the Lord Jesus Christ and spread His glory on the campus of Northwest Missouri State University. We invite you to spend time in fellowship and worship with other students here in Maryville, Missouri.
We meet on Monday nights at 6PM for a free dinner and again on Thursday nights at 7PM for Real Life, our weekly Worship service. We also have weekly gendered Bible studies on Mondays and Tuesdays, and various group hang outs/activities. Our goal is to help connect you with a community of believers and help engage you in a personal walk with Jesus Christ. Come Join the Family! |
Jason and Karin YarnellJason and Karin both came to Northwest in 1996. Jason was a junior transfer and Karin was a freshman. They met in the fall of 1996 at the Lighthouse, both having just recommitted their lives to Christ. They began dating spring of 1997 and got married the following January. They have three children- Meghan, Caleb, and Allison.
Jason was hired as the full-time campus pastor of the Lighthouse in the fall of 2001. Karin is also on staff, leading things like Monday Night Dinner and the Service Team. They both have a passion to help college students follow Jesus and become lifelong disciple makers of Jesus Christ. |
Caleb YarnellCaleb Yarnell was on staff with the Lighthouse from 2020-2022, and after taking a year-long break to do ministry elsewhere, has re-joined the team! Caleb's main roll is freshman outreach. However, he is also taking over some of the teaching responsibilities for RealLife and leading the freshman Ignite Ministry Team.
Renee AbbottRenee came to Northwest in the Fall of 2019. After completing her undergraduate degree in English Education with a minor in Spanish and marrying Carter in the Summer of 2023, Renee returned to Maryville to be on staff.
Renee is in charge of the Connections Team and handles some of the details-side of the ministry! |